Happy 2025 to all our friends and fans across the Globe!!
We have a lot of new and exciting things happening in the AK camp this year. First and foremost we would like to officially welcome our new bassist, Jason Arcand. Jason personifies what it means to be a ROCK and ROLL bass player, and one hell of a model citizen!. With over 25 years of live and touring experience Jason is the perfect fit to our already well oiled Juggernaut of a live show. We can’t wait for you to meet him.
We also have a new look and logo for 2025, Which will be on all our new Merchandise this year on the road. What do you think? We are currently Booking several tours across the Continental US and bits of Canada, and even popping out into International waters?(hint hint) Where would you like to see us? give us a DM on our social media (FB,IG) or in a more professional manner to our email Arcanakingsband@gmail.com Keep in touch with everything Arcana Kings here on our website. We will be posting New tour dates on the site throughout the year!
We appreciate all of your support and love!!
Arcana Kings - John, Allan, James, Jason, Graham